Public Works - Viewing trip history on the map

Public Works - Viewing trip history on the map

This article explains how to view trip history on the public works map: 

Steps to choose the date range and time to view trip history: 

      1. Go to Public works > Under Time & Resources Panel select a  Calendar option
      2. Select data range (You can select custom date range by selecting Manual date entry) 
      3. Select the date range and time (Please ensure the correct time zone is selected according to your location) 

Steps to select Vehicles: 

      1. To select all vehicles, simply click on select all option and then on the '+' sign
      2. Or you can also select few vehicles by clicking on ctrl key and then select multiple desired vehicles to view on the map (Use sign to unselect any vehicle) 

 Steps to View Trip History: 

      1. Once you have selected the vehicle, you will be able to view them on the map, you can go to any vehicle and click on it and then click on the directional icon  to view the trip history
      4. Now under trip history list, click on any trip made by the vehicle to view on the map


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