ZenduCAM View On Geotab Map

ZenduCAM View On Geotab Map

ZenduCAM View on Geotab Map

We are pleased to announce the ZenduCAM view on Geotab map. This feature allows users to:

  • View Exceptions: Identify and review exceptions directly on the map.
  • Request Videos: Request video footage associated with specific exceptions or locations.
  • Live Stream: Access live video streams from your cameras within the Geotab map interface.
  • View Measurements: Monitor various telematics measurements directly on the map.

How to Set It Up On Geotab

  1. Access System Settings: Go to the System Settings on MyGeotab.
  2. Navigate to Add-Ins Tab: Click on the Add-Ins tab.
  3. Add New Add-In: Click on the "+Add-In" button.
  4. Enter Add-In Details: Remove the default content and paste the following:
    "name": "ZenduCAM Map View",
    "supportEmail": "support@zenduit.com",
    "version": "1.0",
    "items": [
            "page": "map",
            "title": "ZenduCAM",
            "noView": false,
            "mapScript": {
                "src": "https://trax-stage.zenduit.com/assets/geotab-addin/AppFrameMapAddin.stage.js?v=10"
    "isSigned": false
  1. Save Changes: Click OK and Save.

How It Works

  1. Expand Side Panel: Expand the side panel on the right side of the map.
  2. Select Add-In: Select "ZenduCAM" tab in the side panel if there are multiple map add-ins.
  3. Pick a Device: A message saying "Pick the device on the map." will appear on the side panel
  4. Select a Vehicle: Choose a vehicle from the vehicles list, and click on the vehicle icon or name on the map.
  5. View Data: The exception, measurements, and camera view for the selected vehicle will appear.
To view the feed of another vehicle, select that vehicle from the vehicles list, and click on the vehicle icon or name on the map.

Disclaimer: ZenduCAM units and Geotab units need to be paired in ZenduCAM in the assets/devices page for the side panel to show data. To pair the units:

  1. Access the assets/devices page in ZenduCAM.
  2. Select the device you want to pair.
  3. Edit the settings of the device.
  4. Fill out the "Third Party Telematics Serial" field with the Geotab serial number.

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